So, in the UK, it's nearly mothers day. The day where celebrating of all mothers and thanking them for the countless hours they put into raising us. This post is sponsored and honestly, I was super impressed with the quality of the products.
Right Mum, if you are reading this, stop here.
So, I don't think I have ever formally introduced my Mum to my blog. Her name is Donna and I have known her for pretty much all my life (is that a bad joke?). She is very small like me and there is an adorable image of us at the very top.
Okay, so most years I usually get my Mum something personalised for mother's day. But I found out very quickly, there is only a limited amount of personalised stuff you can purchase. I have already done photo albums, mugs and even a personalised tote bags. So I had to think a little more outside of the box this year.
Jewellery is definitely a common gift, but I honestly have never purchased jewellery for my mum. Unless you count the weird beaded necklace I bought for her when I went on a school trip to France, I do not include this. So, I decided to investigate a little further into the jewellery world.
And that's where Ally Jewellery comes in. After much looking around, I discovered Ally Jewellery, and their designs.
So let's talk about what I got from Ally Jewellery!
Firstly, I got this ring. On the website, it is described as Abella Opal ring and I choose silver, although they also have a gold and rose gold version. Okay, so full disclosure, I got this ring for myself. I have really small fingers and when I saw this ring and how small it goes, I had to get it. Nonetheless, it would make an excellent day for a mother. Sidenote: When I showed my housemates this ring, I told me I would lose it (I also lose all my rings). I am currently on day three of owning this ring and I still currently have it.
And I also picked out this necklace. This necklace is so versatile and I couldn't keep away from the adorable star design. The star pattern is prominent on the Ally Jewerally which is perfect, as stars never truly go out of style. Again, I got this is in silver but it is also available in gold and rose gold.
Finally, let's talk about the presentation of the items. As you can probably tell from how many photos I snapped of the items and packaging, it is extremely pretty. Now, I will be the first to admit, that I am not a very 'pink' person. It's not that I don't like pink but I do enjoy the more earthy and dark colours, e.g. I wear black most days. But even I couldn't help setting up an extremely pink and purple shoot to match the charming box.

Thank you for reading and thank you to Ally Jewerally for sponsoring this post. Remember to spoil your mums this year, not only with presents but with your time, love and attention.
Shop the sponsored items in this post:
Abella Opal Ring (Silver) - Ally Jewerally
Rema Starry Necklace (Silver) - Ally Jewerally
Use code Asherdowner15 to get 15% off at checkout
Shop the non-sponsored items in this post:
Faux Cactus - IKEA
Not That Kind Of Girl by Lena Dunham - Amazon
It by Alexa Chung - Amazon
Ring Holder - Oliver Bonas
Instax Polaroid Camera - Amazon
*This post is sponsored but all opinions are my own.
I want to say this is an open love letter to writing. I want to say that writing is easy and being inspired is half the talent, but it really isn't. As I am writing this post, I am sat in Starbucks, trying, for the third day in a row, to write more than 500 words of my creative piece. Before I shut down my laptop and head home to crawl into bed and watch rubbish tv.
I don't know who needs to hear this...but writing is hard. And you are not the only one who finds it hard to focus.
At this moment in time, I am not really sure what this blog post is going to be. I usually write posts with sarcastic humour filtering through it. But when talking about something that is as close to my heart as writing, I feel that it should be more of a serious post. Something, I am extremely bad at, being serious.
I guess I'll start by giving some top tips...
Although I should warn you, I am definitely using this post as a form of procrastination. That's right, I have hit that wall where actually writing about writing is still better than actually writing.
Also, I am definitely not qualified to write about this topic, just so you know.
Probably one of the easiest things to do is to change location. If you spend all your time writing in your bedroom, then move. Put on some clothes you feel good in and head out. As I said earlier, I am sat in Starbucks and not even my local, yes, I took the train and headed to a different coffee shop to force myself to write. However, I am not sure that it is working considering I am writing a blog post instead of my actual work.
In theory and with a little more willpower, this will definitely work. I hope...
Take a break where you can. If you feel your brain is getting tired then take a small break, walk around, go get a drink or a snack. Just stop looking at your work for a few minutes. At the moment, I am experiencing word blindness with my work. For everyone that doesn't know, word blindness is where you have been writing for such a long time, that the words you are putting down on the page no longer seem too make sense or appear good anymore. You lose a lot of confidence in writing that is normally fairly easy to you.
If you want an embarrassingly accurate example, earlier, I wrote
"She got good hair"
Got good? GOT GOOD? I am literally a third-year creative writing student. Not only is that sentence not grammtically correct. There is also a million better words to use other than 'good'. You see what I mean?
This can (hopefully) be solved by short, regular breaks. Or you could just be like me and work for an hour then reward yourself with a four-hour break.
However, I don't think this is the best way to work if I am honest.
That one line that you think isn't that good, that one character which is a bit annoying or that one passage that doesn't quite fit the rest of the story. Well, at least you tried it, if it doesn't work, so be it. Try everything.
When you are a bestseller, literally no-one will know that your romantic novel once included killer zombies but you were made to take out because 'they didn't quite fit the romantic theme'. Not everything you tried will work - which is completely and utterly fine.
The one thing that is really helping me get through my creative piece, is how the final product is going to look. When it is all together in a book with my name on it, I will have accomplished something amazing. Honestly, you have to work hard for everything. Even though I often want to delete/burn/throw away everything single piece of my work, I know all the tears and frustration will be worth it in the end.
Keep writing, you will get through it eventually. I hope...
I will keep you updated on whether I make it or not.
Thank you for reading!
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