What does every new house need? A good smelling candle.
Scented candles are kind of my weakness and recently, I have kindly been gifted this Lavender soy candle from Newshome candles (check them out, they are linked). They heard (well, read, I guess), that I was moving and wanted to give me a little home-warming gift.
Now, I could go on and on about how much I loved this scented candle and how it smells so good.
However, there is one slight problem...
I haven't lit it yet. I am waiting. I have made a vow to myself (and Shalieka, I guess), that when we move home, I will light it.

During stressful times, I always think it is helpful to set little goals. Moving house is definitely one of the most stressful things I have done in a while (similar stress to my dissertation I would say), which is requiring a lot of planning and money-saving. So, setting myself symbolic goals is how I am getting through it.
When I was writing my dissertation, I would set myself word limits like, 'If I write 100 words now, then I can get a Starbucks coffee after'. This is similar. Once I move house, settle in and make it my own, I will light this candle.
I don't know if that sounds silly but I am true believer in this theory. Always think of the end goal. When you are doing anything (and I mean, literally anything), always look forward. Even the smaller things. When you are led in bed at night and you can't be bothered to get up and shower, think about how clean you will feel after, how you don't have to get up early the next day to shave your legs or wash your hair. Think about all the benefits. Think positively.
When I was writing my dissertation, I would set myself word limits like, 'If I write 100 words now, then I can get a Starbucks coffee after'. This is similar. Once I move house, settle in and make it my own, I will light this candle.
I don't know if that sounds silly but I am true believer in this theory. Always think of the end goal. When you are doing anything (and I mean, literally anything), always look forward. Even the smaller things. When you are led in bed at night and you can't be bothered to get up and shower, think about how clean you will feel after, how you don't have to get up early the next day to shave your legs or wash your hair. Think about all the benefits. Think positively.
Although I can't comment on the 'burniness' of this Newshome candle. Here are a few things I can say:
- It smells exactly like freshly picked lavender. Which is definitely a smell I want in my new house.
- It's 100% Vegan, cruelty-free. Which is always, always a plus when buying homeware.
- It is aesthetically pleasing. It is a neutral colour and I think it wouldn't look out of place in any colour scheme.
- Finally, it's inexpensive. £15.99, for this massive candle, sounds like a bargain to me.
So all around, I'm pretty excited about lighting this in my new home.
Okay, so I do have a slight ulterior motive with this post (What me? Never.) I am starting a 'moving house' series. I want to document my experience and this is the second post of it.
Naturally, the idea came to me in the shower the other night (as most good ideas do). I am always watching and reading about people moving house and I get really excited by their decor and choice in colour schemes. And now I am actually doing it.
But I hope you will stick around and get excited with me about moving!
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Shop this post:
Newshome Candles: Lavender Scent
Faux Cactus: Ikea
Wooden Chair: Thrifted
Coffee Guide Sign: Desenio
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Tuesday, 28 May 2019
The benefits of living with your best friend
Hello and welcome!
If you are new here, this might not be the best post to start on. Go and have a look at some of my wholesome cooking posts or my ones about self-love.
In the past, I have written posts about my housemates (linked here) and how I annoy them ALL THE TIME. Well, this post is about one housemate in particular. My best friend.
If you have been reading my blog for a while, you might familiar with the name 'Shalieka', a common character in my life journey of disaster and chaos.
I have been living with Shalieka for two years now and we will be moving in together when we leave our student accommodation.
Now, as a woman, I think it is important to support other women. I have always found it really hard to be friends with women who think that every female is in some way, their competition. Shalieka and I have a friendship where we walk around the house with no trousers on, singing Lizzo 'Good as Hell' at the top of our lungs at 2am in the morning. Shalieka doesn't judge me when I put a mountain of cheese on top of my pasta and I don't judge her when dumps a bottle of sour cream on every meal I make her.
We make each other better. We push each other to leave our well-built comfort zones but hold each other's hand whilst we do it.
Below, I have listed a few reasons why living with your best friend is the best thing ever.
It's like having my very own wife. It's like I have completely and utterly, accidentally, fallen into marriage. And I love it. Gone are the days where I do anything alone. Need to go food shopping? She is coming with me. Need a glass of wine? Well, I better get two glasses. Too scared to submit for a deadline? Let's hand in our work together! It's simple really. When you live with your best friend, it's like gaining a wife.
It is really, really rare that I am drunk when Shalieka isn't but sometimes it happens. I want to start this point off by apologising. I am sorry for all of my shenanigans when I am drunk and you are completely sober. I mean like, not one drink, pyjamas on, about to go to sleep sober.
And the worst part? Shalieka can't escape me.
We rent a four-bedroom house with really thin walls...and floors. Shalieka lives directly above me. The other night, I came home, a little (very) drunk. Shalieka was tucked up in bed, ready to sleep but really, she was waiting for me to get home (that's what wives do).
I burst through her bedroom door, no knocking and began to annoy her. And then, I proceeded to go to bed and yell up to my ceiling to see if she could hear me.
Here are some actual excerpts from our messages:
So, like many people, there are a few phrases that I say often. A few sayings have found their way into my everyday speech and now, I can't stop saying them. I think I started saying them ironically or maybe because I thought they sounded smart or funny.
What's wrong with that? You may ask.
Nothing. Nothing at all. Nothing is wrong with that. Until it starts to spread to others, e.g. Shalieka.
Yes, that's right. My little sayings and whimsical phrases now, regularly, have snuck their way into my best friends vocabulary.
For example: In reality.
I say the phrase, 'in reality', way too often.
Here is a snippet from an actual conversation between us:
Asher: "In reality, I could do that thing Thursday but I don't want too"
Shalieka: "Yeah, but in reality, you could."
So, in summary, if you get the chance to live with your best friend, take it. It will either make or break your friendship. Thank you Shalieka for constantly putting with me and I cannot wait to carry on living with you!
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Shop this post:
You'll Do Card: Not On The Highstreet
Shalieka's Cute Pink Trainers: Puma
Miniature Polaroids: FujiFilm Instax
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What is becoming more glaringly obvious in my early twenties, is the rapid descent into adulthood. Yes, I said descent. As I am nearing the end of my degree, I have started becoming increasingly aware of this thing that people refer to as 'being an adult' and how soon, I will be one of those adults.
As you probably already know, if you read my blog regularly, I am moving out of my university house in August and moving in with one of my lovely best friends. To me, a small, 4ft 11 university student, this really does mark me becoming an adult.
The other day, my soon-to-be adult housemate and I were walking down the street and looking into every charity shop window as went. This is common for us, we both love bargains and in our small town, charity shops are one of the most popular places to purchase things from. So, there we were, strolling through town when something caught my eye.
In a charity shop, sitting right up front was this table (pictured below). To paint to the scene for you, I stopped dead in my tracks and tapped Shalieka (the housemate) until she too, saw what I was looking at.
Do we get this table? Do we even have anywhere to put it? As we stood, thinking about this purchase, many people walked past us. They also pointed at the table, talking about different and unique it looked.
We knew we had to get it.
Early the next morning, we got dress and went and purchased it. Whilst I am writing this, I would like to say a quick thank you to Katie (link to her blog here) for driving it up to my house and helping me lug it up the front steps. It is now currently sat in my living room, waiting to move with us.
Now, you might be like, why am I reading a post about this twenty-something-year-old woman buying a table? And yes, I can see how you might be confused. But I am writing this post for one very simple reason. I think every person gets to a point in their life where they feel like they have accomplished something. And by buying this table, I feel like I have accomplished my first, real steps into some form of adulthood. I know it sounds strange, all I did was put £40 down in exchange for a (very adorable) table. But I think everyone's 'adult' moments are different and this is mine.
So let's all welcome our new table, it is going to look so pretty when we move into our new flat and start actually adult-ing.
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Shop this post:
Faux Cactus: Ikea
French Press: Amazon
Candles: Amazon
Cosy Jumper: Primark (No Link Available)
Reading Glasses: Amazon
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I am back with another post about fast fashion. A little while ago, I wrote a post called 'A Note On...Fast Fashion' (it's linked), where I discussed the repercussions of people buying clothes from chain stores or big brands. However, in that post, I didn't go into my own shopping habits. I would say, most of my clothes do come from charity shops. Although I do sometimes shop at chains like H&M and New Look, I am trying to cut down on this massively. I live in a wealthy area of England but I am a student and my income is limited, so charity or second-hand shops have become my best friend.
It's cheaper, just as good quality and above this, it's better for the environment. Recently, I have found some real gems from my local charity shops and I thought that it would make an interesting post to list these items.
I love Harem pants and I actually have quite a few pairs so you can imagine my excitement when I saw some for mere £2 at my local charity shop. That's right, £2! Normally, when I buy Harem trousers, they are about £10 on eBay or maybe even a little more on sites like Depop. Personally, I don't think £10 is too much to spend on this item because I do wear them CONSTANTLY, but when I saw this bright, rainbow pair in Sue Ryder, I had to snatch them up. There is no label in the back so I couldn't check how much they would have cost originally but they are really nice quality.

Okay, so my boyfriend brought me this for Christmas. This was from the British Heart Foundation and it is a Men's medium, hence the word 'Oversized' in the title. Big, baggy jumpers are always in style and definitely one of the cosiest items I own. When you go charity shopping, don't forget to always check the men's section. The label of this jumper reads 'DG Orignal' and on reading into this brand, I cannot find anything about it. However, it is super soft and warm.
Okay, so my winter coat is the item I have got the most wear out of. I live in England it wasn't until this year, when I spotted this coat in Cancer Research, that I owned a coat with a hood. Yes, you read that right. I have never owned a coat with an actual hood and I live in England, one of the most rainiest places ever, with an extremely unpredictable weather pattern. So anyway, this coat is originally from Pull & Bear, which just so happens to be one of my favourite shops. This item is one from their older stocked clothing, however, I was able to find the original price for it which was £24.99. I got this coat for £8, second-hand and I wear it pretty much every day.

When it comes to shopping, always think of second-hand first. I know it's easier to go into shops like Urban Outfitters, TopShop and New Look and just pick up something out of convenience. But think about the repercussions of buying something brand new. It' going to be less expensive, feel better on your conscience and make your carbon footprint a little light if you just visit your local charity shops first. I always say to my best friend (hi, Shalieka), that I never think twice about spending money at a second-hand store. You are literally giving money to charity whilst doing your bit towards the planet.
Yes, you still need things new like underwear or socks and yes, it will be hard to change something you have been doing for years. But trust me it's worth it. Also, you get the most unique finds at charity stores. The picture below is Shalieka (the same one as previously mentioned) rocking a coat she found at The British Heart Foundation. Have you ever seen anybody else in this coat? Probably not.
So, that's pretty much the end of my rant now. I hope you find the time to go charity shopping this week and I hope you find some really fun and quirky pieces.
Until next week!
Good morning, afternoon or evening. Good, whatever time you are reading this. We need to talk. No, this is not a breakup. I have been away for a while and I thought you deserved an explanation.
I am back now.
I will try and keep it short-ish and sweet-ish because there are about a million posts about blogger's taking a break. Over the past few months, I learnt very quickly, that there is a good reason for this. Bloggers sometimes need a break. For most my internet friends, blogging is more than their hobby, it's their passion, their job and every so often, you need a holiday, a vacation if you will. Sometimes, other things take over. For me, that was my university work. am happy to report, that taking a step back from blogging for a couple of months did result in me getting a first on my dissertation and finishing my book (stay tuned for more news on that).
So what's next?
I have found new energy towards my blog. I have a head full of new, (hopefully) original ideas that I can't wait to write. I have got into contact with a whole load of new, exciting companies that I cannot wait to work with. I am back and I am ready. Thank you for the support that has been towards me and my writing online.
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