Horse Shampoo Review

Sunday 15 April 2018

I used horse shampoo on my hair for 7 days!

The other day I was scrolling through various haircare websites looking for something new, something different, something that would actually benefit my hair. My hair is LONG and curly. But it's thin. I wanted a shampoo that would strengthen my hair as well as making it appear shiny and...alive.
I try really hard to not use too much heat on my hair. I blow dry my hair rarely but when I do I use Aragan oil heat spray, which works a dream. I also use Aragan oil condition and just plain oil on the ends of my hair. But apart from that, I don't use anything other than shampoo and conditioner. 

I picked up this Mane and Tail shampoo after spotting in it my local Urban Outfitters. There is always some...unusual products in Urban Outfitters. But after spending ages looking for a product that would strengthen my hair, I was willing to try anything. At first glance, the bottle did not appear for humans as well as horses but after research into the product (finding out the company was run by the nicest people) and reading the carefully written instructions on the back. They state which way you should use it whether you are a horse or a human.

The Smell and appearance of the Shampoo

First off, this shampoo smells scary. I know it sounds weird, but it smells chemical. It isn't an awful odour but for me, with really thin hair, my main concern was that my locks were going to fall out of my head. This was an irrational fear. This shampoo is designed to make my hair stronger, also its main audience is horses, it isn't going to smell of roses. However, Mane 'n' tail are going to make a scented version, I would be really excited to try it. I feel that was one of the only things missing from this shampoo, I would love it too be scented. And the actual bottle is BRIGHT. I could spot it from the other side of Urban Outfitters. 

So, I used this shampoo for 7 days. According to the bottles, the shampoo is for strengthing and to make your hair more manageable. Whereas the conditioner is for hair growth. I already have very long hair, as evidenced by the picture below. I documented myself washing my hair with the Mane 'n' tail shampoo every other day. 

Day 1 - Monday
The chemical smell scared me so I only put a tiny drizzle of the shampoo on my hair. As my hair is long, I tend to use quite a bit of shampoo and conditioner. But after drying it, plaiting it and leaving it overnight. I found that I only needed a little bit of this product to actually wash my hair. This shampoo was £7.00 from Urban Outfitter, but it does retail at other drugstores for £6.00. So it's not extremely expensive. But for how little product I used in comparison to the size of the bottle, I definitely feel like I am getting my money's worth. 

Day 2 - Wednesday
On the second time washing my hair, I used a little more shampoo because it did such a good job the first time. But this time I blowed dried my hair instead of leaving it to hair dry in a plait. I wanted to see if this made a difference to the texture of my locks. 

Day 3 - Friday
On day three of washing my hair in Mane 'n' Tail shampoo, I found that the product was drying my hair out quite a lot. I was using a lot more heat protection when drying my hair and a lot more oil on the ends. I have dry hair anyway and it hardly ever gets greasy, but it felt even drier than normal. However, I just lessened the amount of the product I was using and continued to apply it.

Day 4 - Sunday
On day four, I decided to add a little more conditioner to my hair routine because my hair still felt dry. But I didn't want to stop using the shampoo because I felt my locks getting stronger.

Day 5 - Tuesday
Adding extra conditioner to my hair routine was a perfect addition. I really started to feel a difference with my locks within the fifth wash. Not as much as my hair was coming out when I brushed it and I wasn't losing a lot in the shower. It also felt amazing, it felt healthy and firm.

Day 6 - Thursday
Wash number six was pretty much the same. I had stopped drying my hair with a dryer at this point because I felt like it was adding the fact that my hair was getting dry. I never usually use so much heat on my hair, so I went back to my normal routine of letting my hair air dry, in a plait overnight.

Day 7 - Saturday
This was my last and final wash using the shampoo for the week. After this week, I took a break and used another shampoo. I wanted to see if I saw a difference when not using the shampoo, I also wanted my hair to regain some moisture.   However, I have begun using this shampoo again since. I love the way it makes my hair feel. Although, due to my dry hair, I am now using it every other wash. I am using it alongside an extremely thick, moisturising shampoo (Aussie), so it prevents my hair from getting super dry again.

Final thoughts

I love this shampoo. I wasn't keen on the smell, but after getting over the idea that this shampoo is going to be good for my hair, I really enjoyed using it. I would love it if this brand would do a scented version because I feel like this was the only thing that was missing from this brilliant product. I do recommend that if you have dry hair like me and it isn't naturally oily, that adding a little extra conditioner to your wash routine. This will make sure your hair doesn't become too dry. Apart from that, I loved this shampoo. My hair feels stronger and thicker. I would highly recommend stepping outside your comfort zone and trying something completely different. Horse shampoo admittedly does sound strange, but you won't regret it and neither will your hair.

Check them out: Mane 'n' Tail
Check out their Instagram: Mane 'n' Tail

Join the conversation!

  1. Did this really work???

    1. Yeah, it did! It made my hair feel so much stronger

  2. good advice @Asher-Lee Tulip Downer, I might not use it but thinking outside of the box is always a good idea. Love mumma.x

  3. Interesting post, I'm glad it works for you! x

    1. Yeah, you should totally try it! It's definitely made it's way into my favourite items for hair care

  4. This is such a clever idea, would’ve never thought to try horse shampoo! Really interesting to read your findings! Love Katie x

  5. So glad this works for you great post x

  6. OMG this brings back memories. My mom the moisturizer version of this on me when i was younger & it really does work!!! Will definitely check out the shampoo & conditioner version. Lovely review. AND UR HAIR IS GORGEOUS!!!!

    1. Awh thank you so much! I have missed you commenting xx

  7. Good post as always

  8. Thank you for your post! I've been wanting to try this too!

  9. i think i need to try this

    Ayemanqashif <3

  10. I don't know if you've ever seen the film but I remember in Blades of Glory one of the main characters used this shampoo haha! Such an interesting read :) xx

    Faye | Female Original

    1. Hahaha, sounds like a good film! I will give it a go


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