Films That Terrified Me As A Child

Wednesday 27 February 2019

I watched many films as a child. My family used to love all sitting down and watching Disney films on video. In this post, you need to get super used to me saying 'video' because this list consists solely of films that used to freak me out when I was around the age of ten. And back then, we used to have a video player (this is making me feel super old). Well anyone let me explain what I was like as a child. I was dramatic (I still am) and to be honest, I was a bit of a scaredy-cat. Writing this post has made me realise how funny my fears were as a child. So without further ado, here is my list of films that used to terrify me as a child!

You know that comedy film with Jim Carrey that came out in the 90s? That film that was meant to be hilarious and everyone enjoyed it? Well, me too. It is burned into my brain. I used to have a job every Sunday where I would go into my living room and dust all the shelves. One of the shelves that got the dustiest, was the one containing all the videos (yes, videos, that's how old I was). Basically, we had the video of The Mask starring Sir Jim Carrey. I loved this film. I thought it was amazing. However, the video cover was terrifying to me as a young child. I hated it! I would make my mum remove it from the living room before I would even consider tidying it. It was just something about the bright green face grinning on the front. I am sorry mum for being such an overdramatic child!

A masterpiece of a film and for anyone who isn't as overdramatic as me, probably not scary at all! However, the scene I used to hate as a child was when Sen's parents turn into pigs. I hated the idea of that! I don't know why. Even in my illogical child brain, I knew my parents wouldn't even turn into pigs. So why was I so scared of it? (I love it now though, well done Studio Ghibli)

Okay, so when I say The Mummy, I mean the film that came out in 1999, with the sub-par effects that reminded you the film was fake. Yeah, that film. Well, when I was a child (about 8 years old), I had an obsession with history. I loved learning about the Tudors, Victorians and the Egyptians. My dad also loves learning about history and the people that came before us. So, he thought it would be a good idea to show me The Mummy. After me witnessing the scene of the spiders eating that man alive, me crying continuously and then spending the next two weeks sleeping in my parent's bed, he no longer was allowed to show me any more scary films. 

Thank you for reading this rant-y (if not a little bit dramatic) post!

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  1. Oh my gosh Spirited Away! My daughter loved that film when she was younger - I'd watch it with her from behind my covered face! It's so freaky xxx

  2. I was a bit of a weirdo kid who loved allll the horror movies and anything with a bit of gore so I loved stuff like this. My mum always says that I used to sit there and guess the plot in the first few minutes 😂. I've never seen Spirited Away, need to get on that x


  3. I haven't actually seen any of these films! Great post X

  4. The Mask scared me too!

    1. at least I am not alone! thank you for your comment x

  5. This is such a great post! I have never thought back on what may have impacted me in this way as a child. Now I'm intrigued to sit down and figure it out hahaha

  6. My God I loathed The Mask �� That creepy puke green face �� some parts of The Mummy used to scare me too but I always enjoyed it. Thanks for the trip down memory lane ❤️

    1. Hahaha glad to know I am not alone! Thank you for comment x

  7. Spirited Away scares me and I'm a 21 year old bearded man

    K xx

  8. A good post. I agree Studio Ghibli is great x

  9. Haha I can totally understand your fear of The Mask, it is pretty creepy! I love Spirited Away but I agree a lot of things in Studio Ghibli films are very disturbing as much as I love them. Especially as a child!

  10. You didn’t add that dad was looking after you the day of the mummy watching!!! I was very cross when I returned home.... now he does it with the boys!! Poor child he traumatised you!!! Love you, your mumma!

  11. Loved this post! I never really watched remotely scary movies as a child, I knew I'd be too scared haha! xx

    Em //

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